Everything Is Connected

Dysfunction in one area of our body can be the result of a health disruption in 1 or more related areas of the the body. One example is a dysregulated adrenal gland from stress can create a dysregulated pituitary gland, which can cause a dysregulated thyroid. Functional Medicine/Nutrition dives into the root of your problem to find and restore those disrupted connections to restore balance, and ultimately, health.

More About Our Services

Functional Medicine uses lifestyle changes, advanced laboratory testing, and natural supplementation to create lasting change. Schedule a free 15-minute consultation to see if we can help! We love helping women get a handle on stress and it's many effects on the body. This looks differently for everyone, but regularly affects women specifically.


Not sleeping well, is your cycle off, or are you feeling crazy? All of the above?

We love helping women rediscover the harmony within amidst life's chaos!

Tailored to the unique challenges of your life stage, I offer a holistic pathway back to balance through targeted lifestyle and nutritional advice, innovative saliva hormone testing, and natural nutraceutical support. Let's unlock well-being together, tuning into your body's signals for a transformative journey to joy and vitality.


Let's chat!

15-Minute Free

Discovery Call


Functional Medicine uses lifestyle changes, advanced laboratory testing, and natural supplementation to create lasting change. 


Schedule a free 15-minute consultation to see if we can help!

New Patient Consultation


This is a 1-hour appointment where you: 

1. Discuss your current health concerns

2. Go over the questions you have

3. Work together to develop a personalized treatment plan that enables you to take steps to address the root cause of your current conditions.

A personalized plan approach will often include nutrition, lifestyle, and supplement recommendations.

-Additional labs may be recommended at this appointment

*Labs, supplements, and any other products are not included in the consultat

Follow Up



We recommend 45-minute follow ups every 4 weeks to assess your progress.

A follow-up visit can consist of:

1. Discuss updates and changes in your current health status

2. Make treatment plan or protocol adjustments/changes

3. Review Lab results

4. Answer any questions regarding your current plan, diet, nutrition, or supplement protocol.

*Follow-up visits are not limited to the above and are based on your needs.


Don't guess, test!

Adrenal Stress Index


Dysfunction at the adrenal level from stress can disrupt adrenal, pituitary (master gland), sex hormones, or thyroid functions.

This test includes 4 cortisol levels in a 24 hour period. It also includes Progesterone, DHEA, fasting and non-fasting insulin, and a gluten sensitivity test.

This test includes a 30-minute follow up consultation.

Salivary testing has been established as the gold standard for all hormones since 2007.

Expanded Female/Male Hormones


Do you feel like your hormones are off, but bloodwork comes back as normal? This saliva test will give you a deep dive into what your hormones look like, at the cellular level.

Cycling Women - $430

Non-Cycling Women - $230

Men - $230

This test includes a 30-minute follow up consultation.

Blood Work


Need bloodwork? We'll schedule a complete workup that includes 14 tests/panels including cholesterol, glucose, iron, Vitamin D, and Thyroid. This panel is also for those who have not gotten blood work in over a year.

Already had lab work done? We'll review what labs are missing and schedule those separately.

Cost for these will depend on what is needed.


Let's get started!

The Full Shebang

Cycling Women - $899

Non-Cycling Women - $699

Men - $699

This includes the ASI, the hormone panel, and the bloodwork and a longer follow up consultation with a report with recommendations.

3-Month Package

Women - $1,997

Non-Cycling Women - $1,797

Men - $1,797

Over $300 savings

Functional Medicine takes time for lasting results.

Save money when you invest in a package.

This package includes 3 monthly follow up consultations, a $300/mo. supplement credit, and re-testing.

We refund any unused supplement credit at the end of this package.

6-Month Package

Women - $2,997

Non-Cycling Women - $2,797

Men - $2,797

Over $700 savings

Functional Medicine takes time for lasting results.

Save money when you invest in a package.

This package includes 6 monthly follow up consultations, a $300/mo. supplement credit, and re-testing.

We refund any unused supplement credit at the end of this package.




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